18 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Suku Bunga Terhadap Kinerja Perbankan Syariah di Provinsi Aceh

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    It is widely known that interest rate is the core variable in a banking industry. Moreover, the performance of conventional banks are absolutely determined by the rate. However, the rate is prohibited to be utilized in an Islamic banking system. This paper aims at exploring the influence of interest rate towards the performance of Islamic banks in Aceh Province. In the other word, the paper is to know whether the rate influences Islamic banks or not. By Using two statistical softwares, E-Views 7 and SPSS-19, this research finds that the interest rate does not influence the performance of the Islamic banks.The performance of the banks under the research limites only deposits and financing of the banks. Either Granger Causality Test or Pearson Correlation indicates that there are no correlation between the variables in the model. However, the research does not have enough data, therefore the same research with more completed data is recommended

    Interest Rate and Financing of Islamic Banks in Indonesia (A Vector Auto Regression Approach)

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    Not only do commercial banks but also Islamic banks take part towards the economic growth and stability in Indonesia. Islamic banks though the financing services provide sources of fund for invesment activities. However, Islamic banks do not employ variable of interest rate in financing activities because it is prohibited in Islam. The banks utilize a profit sharing rate (PSR) system insted. Moreover, the banks must avoid themselves form the influence of interest rate directly or indirectly. This paper aims at exploring the existence of interest rate towards the financing of the Indonesian Islamic banks. By using the VAR method and monthly-based time series data from 2009-2015, interest rate represented by commercial banking rates for consumption (CBR) and for working capital the research result indicates that the Islamic bank's financing in Indonesia is indirectly influenced by interest rate. Both the granger causality and the Pearson correlation tests show that the financing correlate signinfiantly with the rate. The Correlation between the is also proved by Impulse Response Function(IRF

    The Performance of Islamic Banks Under an Interest Rate System in Indonesia How do Islamic Banks Operate with Interest-Based Instruments?

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    An Islamic bank is a bank that utilizes Islamic principles in its operation. It is also defined as the financial institution relying on the principle of Profit and Loss Sharing(PLS) with the entrepreneurial partners in its relevant banking activities. One of the important things distinguishing Islamic banks from conventional ones is that the Islamic banks are prohibited to utilize the variable of interest rate in their operations, such as financing, deposit and the likes, since it is assumed that the variable is regarded as riba and the riba itself is clearly prohibited either by the Holy Quran or the Hadith


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    The agreement of the two parties in entering into an agreement is part of the legal requirements for the validity of the agreement. The purpose of this study is to determine the fee rate determined by BSI management, the fee disparity set by BSI Smart Agent management with similar services, and the perspective of the samsarah contract on fee levels and their disparities with similar services. This research explores a descriptive method and the  data was collected  through interviews and documentation. The study found that, based on data analysis in the agreement, BSI management has arranged systematically and clearly regarding the level of fees in which the agent will receive. In the agreement, it is stated that the agent must comply with all the conditions set. The fee disparity occurs because BSI management has set rules for fee rates but the agent does not understand the rules that have been approved and ratified by both parties, in which this action causes the contract requirements not to be fulfilled. This study concludes that in reality there is a problem in the implementation of the samsarah contract carried out by the agent, namely applying a different fee system from the contents of the agreement without the consent of both partie


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    Interest rates certainly greatly affect investors to invest, high interest rates will cause increased production costs and decreased market purchasing power. High interest rates can also encourage investors to sell their assets with the expected profit, but if the interest rate increases, there is a tendency for investors not to invest in the capital market because they are afraid of high risks and profits that are not as expected. This has a negative impact on stock prices in the capital market because the expected rate of return on shares is smaller than the gain from interest rates, resulting in a decrease in demand for share prices and share prices will decline along with the increase in interest rates. This condition can make investors less interested in investing. According to the perspective of the syirkah inan contract, the profit sharing is divided according to the amount of capital participation of each party. In stock investment, stock prices often change, so there is a concern that there is uncertainty about the stock price and the level of profit that will be obtained by investors. To obtain these answers, in this study the authors used a descriptive analysis method, with a qualitative approach. From the results of this study it was found that in stock investment there is a potential for uncertainty in stock prices which often changes, and can harm investors due to falling stock prices due to rising interest rates. In this case, when the share price rises due to an increase in interest rates, investors are forced to hold their shares from being sold to prevent losses that will be experienced by investors


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    Beras pada waktu tertentu dapat mengalami kelangkaan dikarenakan berbagai macam permasalahan, Perum Bulog memiliki wewenang untuk mengatasi kelangkaan beras dengan melakukan intervensi. Pertanyaan penelitian dalam skripsi ini adalah bagaimanakah intervensi Perum Bulog Divisi Regional Aceh terhadap kelangkaan beras, bagaimanakah upaya Perum Bulog dalam menangani kelangkaan beras dan bagaimanakah perspektif tas’ir al-jabari terhadap intervensi Perum Bulog pada kelangkaan beras. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian lapangan (field research) dan penelitian kepustakaan (library research). Jenis penelitian ini adalah suatu penelitian yang menunjukkan pemecahan permasalahan yang aktual dengan jalan menyusun, menganalisa, dan menginterprestasi seluruh data yang berhubungan dengan penulisan. Hasil penelitian mengenai intervensi Perum Bulog terhadap kelangkaan beras dimana Bulog mengintervensi secara rutin setiap permasalahan yang terjadi berdasarkan surat perintah dari Bulog Pusat dan bekerjasama dengan Dinas Pertanian, Badan Pusat Statistik dan Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan untuk melakukan operasi pasar yang bertujuan untuk mencegah terjadinya kelangkaan beras. Upaya Bulog dalam menangani kelangkaan beras Bulog akan melakukan operasi pasar dengan menyalurkan stok cadangan beras yang ada di gudang Bulog ke setiap toko yang ada di Aceh yang telah memiliki ikatan kerjasama, dan upaya terakhir yaitu melakukan impor beras. Intervensi yang dilakukan oleh Perum Bulog sesuai dengan konsep tas’ir al-jabari. Konsep tas’ir al-jabari ini dapat dilakukan oleh Bulog dalam menangani masalah kelangkaan beras. Dari paparan di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa, intervensi pemerintah terhadap kelangkaan beras dapat dilakukan oleh Perum Bulog sesuai dengan perintah dari Bulog Pusat dimana intervensi yang dilakukan sesuai dengan hukum islam karena dilihat dari kemaslahatan masyarakat


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    This article aims to determine the influence of Undang-Undang Perbankan Syariah (UUPS) on the growth of the Islamic banking industry in Indonesia. The data was analyzed using econometric software, SHAZAM version 10.1. This study employs Ordinary Least Square (OLS), and Chow Test was utilized as a statistical instrument. The findings show that UUPS did not have a significant influence on the growth of Islamic banking in Indonesia. This was indicated by the fact that third party fund (DPK), the number of depositors, and the amount of financing were not growing significantly. In addition, the application of Profit-Loss Sharing (PLS), as the core principle in Islamic banking operation, also did not show any significant change. This was supported by the fact that murabahah product was still dominant within the financing portfolio of Islamic banking in Indonesia. ========================================================================================================Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauhmana pengaruh Undang-Undang Perbankan Syariah (UUPS) terhadap pertumbuhan industri perbankan syariah nasional. Metode analisis yang dipakai adalah Ordinary Least Square (OLS), dengan instrumen statistik Chow Test. Pengolahan data menggunakan program ekonometrika SHAZAM Versi 10.1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa UUPS tidak mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan industri perbankan syariah secara umum. Dana Pihak Ketiga, Jumlah Nasabah dan Pembiayaan tidak mengalami perubahan sama sekali. Disamping itu, penerapan sistem bagi hasil Profit-Loss Sharing (PLS) yang merupakan prinsip utama operasional perbankan syariah, juga tidak mengalami perubahan yang signifikan. Ini ditunjukkan dengan pembiayaan produk murabahah masih mendominasi portofolio pembiayaan industri perbankan syariah nasional

    Digital-Based Information System of Zakat Management in Indonesia: Strategies for Increasing Revenue in Fiqh Muamalah Perspectives

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    This study aims to examine the digital-based zakat management information system and strategies for increasing ZIS fund income from the perspective of muamalah fiqh in NTB and Aceh. This study focuses on using SimBaznas on the loyalty of zakat payments, the cand constraints, and strategies taken to increase zakat payments in the two regions. This is a mixed-method study to obtain more comprehensive, reliable, and objective data. The results showed that the implementation of SimBaznas at Baznas in NTB was only carried out on reporting zakat collection that had been carried out properly, while reports and asset reports had not been well informed in SimBaznas. Meanwhile, in Aceh Province, all SimBaznas features have not been effective. Quantitative analysis shows that the ease of use and availability of facilities and infrastructure does not guarantee a correlation with the implementation of SimBaznas in the two provinces. In addition, the seriousness of the interest of SimBaznas users has an effective effect on the implementation of the system. However, it is certain that the existence of SimBaznas has no significant effect on the loyalty of Muslims in the two provinces. The problem with using SimBaznas is caused by the lack of quantity and quality of IT-based human resources. Therefore, the strategies that can be applied are improving the quality and quantity of SimBaznas IT managers, socializing SimBaznas to the public, encouraging ratifying the law on zakat as a tax deduction, and finalizing the regulation of zakat as PAD in Aceh. Therefore, in the context of fiqh muamalah, Baitul Mal will increasingly contribute to poverty alleviation, economic development, and human resource development in NTB, Aceh, and Indonesia

    Perspektif Hukum Islam terhadap Perlindungan Khusus bagi Pelapor dan Saksi Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang

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    AbstractThis study aims to determine how the perspective of Islamic law on special protection for whistleblowers and witnesses is regulated in existing law in Indonesia, especially in Government Regulation No.57 of 2003 concerning Special Protection Procedures for Reporters and Witnesses to the Crime of Money Laundering. As normative juridical law research and is analyzed using descriptive-analytical methods, namely by analyzing the data under study by describing these data, then the conclusion is drawn. Special protection is a form of protection provided by the state to guarantee a sense of security for Reporting Parties or Witnesses from possible threats that endanger themselves, their lives, and/or their assets including their families. Criminal provisions in positive law, namely those regulated in Legislation Number 31 of 1999, for perpetrators who threaten and intimidate witnesses and whistleblowers can be subject to imprisonment and fines. In Islam, giving testimony is ordered directly in the Koran so that maintaining the safety of witnesses is also very important. The perspective of Islamic law on the form of special protection for whistleblowers and witnesses in criminal acts, in particular, the Crime of Money Laundering in positive law in Indonesia has met the values in the objectives of Islamic law (maqashid al-shari'ah). This is regulated in the Positive Law in Indonesia which regulates sufficiently the rights of a witness and also a whistleblower of a crime.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perspektif hukum Islam terhadap perlindungan khusus bagi saksi dan pelapor yang diatur dalam hukum positif di Indonesia, khususnya Peraturan Pemerintah No.57 Tahun 2003 tentang Tatacara Perlindungan Khusus Bagi Pelapor dan Saksi Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian hukum yuridis normative dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik yaitu dengan cara menganalisa data yang diteliti dengan memaparkan data-data tersebut, kemudian diperoleh kesimpulan. Perlindungan khusus adalah suatu bentuk perlindungan yang diberikan oleh negara untuk memberikan jaminan rasa aman terhadap Pelapor atau Saksi dari kemungkinan ancaman yang membahayakan diri, jiwa dan/atau hartanya termasuk keluarganya. Ketentuan pidana secara eksplisit diatur dalam Undang-Undang No.31 Tahun 1999, bagi pelaku yang melakukan ancaman dan intimidasi terhadap saksi dan pelapor dapat dikenakan pidana penjara dan denda. Perspektif hukum Islam terhadap bentuk perlindungan khusus terhadap pelapor dan saksi dalam tindak pidana, khususnya Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang dalam hukum positif di Indonesia telah memenuhi nilai-nilai dalam tujuan syariat Islam (maqashid al-syari’ah). Hal ini secara terang diatur dalam Hukum Positif di Indonesia yang mengatur secara cukup hak daripada seorang saksi dan juga pelapor tindak pidana


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    Salah satu lembaga keuangan Syariah yang berkontribusi secara efektif meyalurkan pembiayaan modal usaha adalah PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM) melalui program Membina Ekonomi Keluarga Sejahtera (PNM Mekaar). Praktik pembiayaan modal pada PNM Mekaar Syariah Aceh Besar menggunakan sistem tanggung renteng. Jenis penelitian yang penulis gunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan tehnik pengumpulan data menggunakan penelitian lapangan (field research), yaitu penelitian yang bertujuan untuk memperoleh data yang dilaksanakan dengan terjun langsung ke lapangan terkait dengan fokus penelitian. Untuk mengumpulkan data, tehnik yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan dokumentasi. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menemukan bahwa dalam praktik pembiayaan modal yang dilakukan oleh PNM Mekaar ini tidak terdapat adanya jaminan. Apabila terdapat salah satu anggota yang tidak melakukan cicilan PKM (Pertemuan Kelompok Mingguan), maka anggota kelompok lainnya yang bertanggungjawab untuk melunasi cicilan tersebut. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa setiap anggota kelompok menjadi jaminan bagi anggota yang lainnya dalam melunasi cicilan tersebut. &nbsp